All in one development experiences

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Today, almost every device with an Internet connection has a built-in browser support at some level. This interface similarity provides a great opportunity for application developers trying to target all the devices with a browser support. On the other hand, it is not much easy to target all these platforms from scratch. Although they have a capability for handling the client side scripts, differences on their engines and device capabilities make the cross-platform development task is still hard. Obviously, this is not the only bottleneck between cross platform software and a developer. That’s why we create VisualJS.NET Framework.

VisualJS.NET is an advanced user interface and communication layer that lets you to design and develop enterprise level rich and scalable web applications for almost every device with a browser support. Due to emerging technologies on the computing devices side and the increasing number of the target platforms made the development of cross-platform solutions very complicated and expensive. VisualJS.NET targets this problem with a total solution for all size of software projects.

In order to explain what really VisualJS.NET does, let assume a company has a project requirement that leads to the development of many different rich UI forms, routines and application parts in addition to varying target devices. Below list can be considered as a small list of things to do;

  • Pick a cross-platform UI library
  • Find a way to make that UI library compatible with touch interface or just pick another one
  • Consider the learning curve the developers and designers may need
  • Create separate designs for touch and desktop platforms
  • Develop server side routines
  • Make client and server sides talking to each other in cross platform
  • Make sure that the generated server load on previous item is scalable
  • Problem! The company needs all the target devices in order to test the final solution.
  • And then, they can start developing the real application.

As mentioned above, there are many things to do for the company before start developing the real application parts. VisualJS.NET handles all the parts mentioned hence the company might focus into real application without spending its precious time with the others. Just ‘Drag and Drop’ in order to create the user interface of a software application and start coding instantly without thinking about the browser compatibility, platform differences, and server-client communications.

A software application may require many different types of UI components and it is almost impossible to host all the needs under the same hood. Besides, the overall performance has been a problem for this type of ‘one size fit all’ solutions most of the time. Things are not the same for VisualJS.NET. It can be extendible by custom UI and server side components and host thousands of concurrent users on a single node.

The intended speech is to explain how we developed this framework and useful tips for the developers targeting multiple devices and platforms from scratch.

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